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(1 edit) (+1)

Super fun and so polished for a game jam!
I really like the tower defence and the auto battler combo (I have also tried it, but yours is better)!

Some small feedback!
- Easier to read descriptions, sometimes the font and the layout gets in the way of clarity!
- Freeze a seed so you can buy it next round


WOW! This was super fun. I do agree with the other comment about the difficulty. Once you get to the last few waves, its like the difficulty knob gets cranked to 1000 and I just aimlessly shoot to hopefully hit something. But the little base defense and plants were super awesome and I would love to see where this game goes!

Thank you both for playing and the feedback! I appreciate the interest in the future of the game! :D

No problem! What engine did you use to make this?


This game is bonkers difficult near the end - its clear that you didn't have enough time to balance it so you said fuck it and just made it absurd (or its an exponential algorithm) the farthest i can get is wave 13.

that being said the art and design in this game are incredible. The ideas in this are amazing - even despite the balance issues, each plant feels unique and useful (aside from cali poppy and perhaps turnip), and the gameplay loop is great (if a little simple). Taken further (and perhaps with a separate gameplay loop?) this could easily be developed into a full game.


Thank you! Yea, you hit the nail on the head with balancing, lol. I'd love to develop it further after the jam and add some more content to it.

(2 edits)

Good to know! i'd love to follow along with this games development. one request though.

if you do develop this further, please make the effects stack (solar particles, the mirror plant, etc). one of the most fun parts of endless games is just stacking crazy things to the absolute limit. i'd love to see 20 lasers flooding the screen, all of which bouncing and hitting 5 enemies each. Would be very fun to see and play.

Oh I definitely want to, I really wanted to be able to get them to stack, I'd have to rework code especially for the Crooked Stem but it'd be really cool. Games like Risk of Rain 2 are very fun for me because of the whole being able to stack things like crazy if you get lucky part.


Oh sorry, they were hidden on accident, a couple screenshots added.
